Group Classes
Announcing a new Location
7918 Yonge Street Innisfil, ON.
Proof of vaccinations are required to take part in group classes, Titers Accepted
Puppy - 10 weeks to 5 months Potty Training, Nipping & Chewing, Sit, Down,
Come, Loose Leash Walking, Drop It, Leave It, Stay, Wait, Greetings (Yourself, Visitors, Strangers), Barking. Understanding
how dogs communicate.
Beginner - 6 months and up (ideal for rescues or those that missed Puppy Training) Nipping
& Chewing, Sit, Down, Come, Loose Leash Walking, Drop It, Leave It, Stay, Wait & Stay with Distance, Greetings (Yourself,
Visitors, Strangers), Barking. Understanding how dogs communicate.
Intermediate - 6 months and up (Puppy or Beginner skills required) Working
with Distractions, Heel Walk, Distance Down, Wait, Stays -(Increased Time, Distance & Distraction), Distractions to Come,
Around, Stand/Stack for examination.
Advanced - 8 months plus (Intermediate skills required) Working with increased
distractions on all basic commands. Stays to 20 feet with distractions, Turns at Heel, Stand Stay, Off Leash Heeling, Return
To Heel, Emergency Down.
Cottage Dog Boot Camp - 8 months plus (Outdoor - Spring to Fall) (Intermediate skills required) This
4 week course is designed to get those commands most used at/in a Cottage environment down to perfection.
Come, Leave It, Wait and Loose Leash Walking. Long Line (leashes) required.
The aim is to have dogs listening when off Leash in an Open Field and/or Forested Area. Dog Scouts' 50 Acre property provides
the ideal situational training.
CD / CGC / CGN / Therapy The CD & CGC/CGN & Therapy Dogs Testing, require dogs to
perform some or all of the following:- 20 foot one minute Sit Stay, Come when called, Heel on loose leash, negotiate turns
at Heel, reaction to startle, reaction to other dogs, reactions to Cane/Walker/Wheelchair/Crutches and person with Altzhimers,
Wait at entrance/door, Stand for exam, sit patiently for petting, Leave it, Down at a distance of 10 feet, response to hand
FUNgility - 6 months plus (Beginner skills required) Just for Fun and BOND Building,
FUNgility introduces you and your dog to several pieces of equipment used in AGILITY, Jumps, Tunnel, Tire Jump, Weave Poles,
A-Frame & Teter Totter. A great sport for both you and your dog. This is a 6 week course, running Summer months only as
we work outside in the 3 acre field. Rained out days will be made up at end of course.

As dogs mature, they develop many doggy interests that may compete with dog training. For example, dogs may find that
sniffing the grass, playing with other dogs and chasing squirrels are all much more exciting than listening to their owners
and following repetitive instructions — come, sit, down, heel, sit, heel, sit, etc. Puppy training techniques begin
to fail, environmental stimulation causes sensory overload and many dogs become hyperactive or reactive to other dogs and
people. Owners become frustrated by the dog’s hyperactivity and inattentiveness and the relationship starts to go downhill.
Unless regularly given the opportunity to explore new surroundings and meet unfamiliar people and dogs, as dogs
grow older, they become less accepting of their environment. Older dogs become more wary of the world in general and
especially of strange, scary and unfamiliar stimuli. Make sure you give your adult dog plenty of time to adjust to new
situations and employ classical conditioning to build positive associations when introducing dogs to new experiences or